Saturday, December 21, 2024

On To The Tanks!

So taking a small break from the mechs and moving on to the tanks. I'm doing a batch of 8 tanks first, 4 each of Demolishers and Behemoths. First up they get the Dark Sand base coating.
Second step is when they get the Bronze Green and Cavalry Brown camo markings. I've been enjoying the easy camo but I have to catch myself to keep from getting too repetitive with it.
The third step they get Gunmetal Grey for some small bits, black for the tracks, and then the wash layer. After all that dried, I added the Tan Earth on the base. There isn't enough base showing to bother with trying to add sand to it.
And that is it for this update. Next up with be 4 Sturmfeurs and 4 Ontos tanks though Christmas next week might push off the update for a bit. Thanks for reading and see you all next time!

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