Tuesday, December 10, 2024

And So It Begins

Well, I have all the Catalyst Battletech Kickstarter items sorted so it's time to start getting paint to miniatures. As said in the last post, the majority of the units are going into my fictional 8th Arkab Legion. I'm starting out with two lances of battlemechs, 2 Ostscouts, 2 Spectors, 3 Chameleons, and a Starslayer. I'll be using Vallejo Dark Sand for the base color, Vallejo Bronze Green and Vallejo Cavalry Brown for the camo, Vallejo Gunmetal Grey for detail and cockpits, and lastly Nuln Oil for the wash.
After the basecoat is down, next up was adding the green and red camo blotchs for the desert scheme I'm going for.
Next step is picking out the cockpits, gun barrels and jumpjet parts with the gunmetal. Last step was the Nuln wash and then they're ready for basing.
I have the next two lances started and am planning on holding off on the basing until I have about 3 companies painted up so I can large batch the basing.
So that's where we are at the moment. I think I'm going to keep after the mechs and get the ones slated for the Arkab done completely and then move into the vehicles. I've got 10 more Mechs that are going into this unit and then it'll be moving on to the 60-ish vehicles. That's all for now and I'll be trying to have another post up by the weekend.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, I've got an idea to do something a bit beyond my normal basing that falls more into what you do a lot of the time. Results should hopefully be in the next post or two.
