Friday, February 16, 2024

Lazy Eights and more Eridani Light Horse

So finished up the Lazy Eights mercenaries I was working on this week. They recieved washs and dry brushing and then the basing. I went with a desert sand base with them to offset the darker colors on the mechs. The plain sand was looking a little too bland so I grabbed a couple sticks outside and turned them into dead logs and debris on the bases. I still have a vehicle company to add to them and then this force will be completed. Models are based Vallejo Black with a Vallejo Oily Steel dry brush over the black and then Tamiya Copper and Vallejo Dark Red were the other colors with both getting a GW Nuln Oil wash. Bases recieved a border of Vallejo USA Tan-Earth and of course the sand. Twigs were added for a bit more detail and then they all received a clear matte spray coat.
And then some progress on the Eridani Light Horse front. I got 16 mechs base colored in green (Tamiya Field Grey) which will be added to eight others at that step. This week I'm hoping to get the Vallejo Old GOld and Vallejo Flat Red on them all before applying the Vallejo Olive Green wash layer.
So that's the progress so far. When the ELH models get finished that will leave me 12 vehicles for the Lazy Eights and then I have 8 other older mechs that I need to figure out what to do with. Once those are all done (hopefully by no more than a week or two into April) I'll finally have a clear deck on the paint front and I'll be able to tackle some other projects, including better organizing the storage for them all. That's all for now and I'll see you next time!


  1. A clear deck?!? Gimme your address again, I'll send ya an Ork army that needs paint!

    1. Not clear yet but I can see the end of the line at least. And I suppose I could repay some of your humor and get a pink skinned orc army painted up for you .... Not sure how you'd react to having an army that wasn't grimed up to the point of looking beyond antiques buried in mud for a few decades though.
