Monday, January 13, 2025

What A Difference A Mold Makes

It's amazing what a difference a mold makes. There were some old metal versions of Battlemechs that just made me not like them more than I would based on what the Battlemech could do on the tabletop and then the opposite as well as I like some of the new iteration of the plastics less than the older metal versions.
One of those is the Crab Medium Mech. The old metal version just didn't do anything for me and the old artwork was just as bad. It reminded me more of an old B-movie monster than a weapon of war and the same goes with the King Crab. I love the new plastic versions of both of these while I wouldn't buy either of the two in the old metal version. With the maneuverability of the Crab and the survivability of the King Crab (ignoring the consistant ability of Urbanmechs to headshot said King Crabs), it's nice to start having these painted up and ready to deploy on the tabletop.
Another of these is the Ost variants (Ostsol, Ostroc, and Ostscount). While I do have a few Ostrocs which had a pretty decent metal mold, the new version is vastly improved. The Ostscout and Ostsol I didn't care for the old metal versions but love the new plastic versions of them. I'm looking forward to have multiple lances of all of them on the shelves in the future.
Lastly I would like to say that I have loved the Wolverine since I first saw it many many years ago (1994 or 1995) in the old CamoSpecs book as the Lyran Guard entry. I loved the look of the old versions (not you IIC or Phoenix) but the newest plastic by Catalyst was a masterpiece and has me falling in love with it all over again.

So how about everyone else? Do you have a miniature in the new plastics that you field now but didn't before or is there one that just really upped the game for an old favorite? I'll see you all next time!


  1. I just picked up Clan Bane (Kraken), which while still not the prettiest is INFINITELY better than the old metal sculpt!

    1. The only one so far that I think got worse is the Crusader. I liked the original before but the new one just seems too chunky and boxy. I liked the sleeker original a lot better.
