Thursday, January 30, 2025

Back To The Paints

Alright, after a small break we are back at it. This time it is a lance of two Wolverines and two Grasshoppers both of which I feel are good mechs for a Kurita based striker style unit. The usual base layer of Vallejo Dark Sand was the starting point as usual.
Next up they got the Bronze Green and Cavalry Brown for the camo accents followed by the Gunmetal Grey for cockpits and weapons.
Last step for now is the Nuln Oil Wash to get them a deployed real camo shading.
Once again I am putting off the basing as I do not have any Vallejo Tan Earth. However I have some shipping to me and this next week I should be going back and getting all the miniatures that need basing taken care of. Once that basing is caught up, I will have 4 Packrats and 4 Warriors to do for the Arkab. That will be it for them until I aquire more miniatures down the road. Once those 8 are done as well, I have 15 heavy and assault mechs that will be joining my Lyran Regulars unit. I still haven't figured out which unit will be getting the 3 MASH, 3 HQ, and 3 Long Toms. I am leaning towards two MASH and 1 HQ going to the Arkab and the rest going into the Lyran Regulars but I haven't 100% decided on that yet. That's all for this update and I'll see you all next time.

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