Sunday, August 13, 2023

Still Raising Another Eridani Light Horse Regiment

So after the first two test models from the previous post, I really didn't fully like the outcome I achieved. The Citadel Contrast Creed Camo came out looking like the algae build up in a dirty aquarium filter. This second pair of models I switched out the Creed Camo for Vallejo Russian Green. I also switched the Vallejo Flat Red for the deeper Vallejo Dark Red and the Vallejo Oiled Steel for Vallejo Game Color Metallic. The final change I made was Tamiya Flat Brown for the sides of the base instead of the Vallejo Woodgrain. For all of these paints, I used a new Army Painter Wet Palette instead of the trial homemade ones I used previously. I did the same basing and first layer coats as before. I also tried something new for me in a more intricate layer of detailing by edging the cockpit panels of the mechs.
All in all I am much happier with the results this time around. The following picture is a comparison shot showing from left to right a Zeus from my old ELH regiment, the first trial attempt for new ELH Thunderbolt, and then the new attempt for new ELH Catapult that has received a light Nuln Oil wash after the previous picture above. I can definitely see the improvements from my old ELH massively batch painted to minimum standards and my new results and I definitely like the Catapult's results over the Thunderbolt's though I now need to look into striping down the two Thunderbolts.
All in all I am pleased with how it's looking so far and I think I am happy with the final results of the Catapults. I think this will be the "final" color scheme though I'm open to ideas and suggestions before finally locking it down and starting up on going through the rest of the models I already have for the 151st Light Horse Regiment. Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you all next time!


  1. Suggestions? Why paint them all in just one color scheme, when you can paint them in just about EVERY color scheme???

    1. Because it will be one BIG unit instead of 50 small units ...
