Friday, July 28, 2023

Raising A New Eridani Light Horse Regiment

I normally speed paint through battletech units with a primer, base coat, a few highlights and simple basing. This time around I am trying to up my level of painting a bit. With all the new Catalyst plastic models and especially the new Kickstarter ones coming down the road, I decided to do more Eridani Light Horse. With my original ELH unit being a mix of olf metals and plastics from various sources, I decided to do an entire new unit of them, the 151st Light Horse Regiment. This is the results of my first two models in this project sort of as a test bed.
The models were primered white and then based with Army Painter Elf Green. I put GW's Creed Camo Contrast over that layer which was followed by a wash of GW Coelia Greenshade. Weapon mounts were done in Vallejo Old Gold and the maul/fists in Vallejo Gunmetal Grey. For the cockpit and laser barrel insides I used Vallejo Flat Red.
Base was done with a mix of small gravel and a fine grass flock. I then painted the base edge in Vallejo Woodgrain to compliment all the green.
I'll appreciate any feedback or suggestions. I'm still on the fence deciding myself. The Creed shade of green just keeps seeming a bit off somehow and I'm still not sure about it. Anyway, hope you enjoy and I'll see you all next time.


  1. Replies
    1. They're darker in person and almost look like that nasty green algae slime that is in a dirty aquarium filter. I like how the basing came out, so keeping that but I think the Creed Green is out and I'm going to try the Vallejo Russian Green instead
