Sunday, March 2, 2025

Finishing Up The Partially Competed

Alright, here we go. Finished up the 2 Galleons and the two Shadow Hawks with their camo layers first of all.
Then they got the Gunmetal Grey on guns and tracks before covering in Nuln Oil. After that the tanks got Tan Earth basing while the mechs got Tan Earth on the base edges and sand on the top of the base.
After that The pairs of Locusts, Commandos, Shadow Hawks, Wolverines, and Grasshoppers all got twigs from the front porch and Gamers Grass bits.
So with that I am caught up with the partially completed. Next will be digging into the heavy and assaults for my Lyran Regulars. This might be slower going though as I am finally back to full time weeks of work starting in the morning. With about 40 total mechs and support vehicles in the queue still, all in all I am not too unhappy with the progress. Thanks for swinging by and I will see you all the next time.

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