Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Proud Bull Rising Part 9

Been a busy month so far but I'll have a model update in the next few days.


The Taurian Guard Corps completes its build up and all three regiments are at between 90 and 100 percent operational readiness. The Taurian Vellites Regiment is broken into battalion size forces and spend the next two years doing a sweep along the Capellan and Davion borders for pirates. The I Corps are the next to be overhauled and have their operational readiness restored. The I Corps consists of the Concordat Jaegers and the Red Chasseurs. A new regiment, the 2nd Red Chasseurs, is also to be built to bring the I Corps up to a full three regiments.

Both Wolverine production lines go live. A second line is begun at each site to expand production. Both expansions should be completed by the end of 2835. With the increased production levels of mechs as whole, a slightly higher percent is slated for export with several larger mercenary units being eager customers as they try to replace losses taken so far during the Second Succession War. A fair number are also sold to the Outworlds Alliance as they seek to shore up their forces to deal with the increasing piracy along the Periphery.

Several years into the Second Succession War now, still no build up of Davion forces along the Concordat border are detected. This leads to a slowly lowering of the alert status along the border. While still slightly higher than before the war, it is much closer to that level. The Taurian intelligence services continue to keep an careful watch on worlds across the border. Patrols remain slightly ramped up along the border but are slowly easing down to what they were before the war started.

The data and information brought back to the Taurians by the Ministry of Intelligence agents is put to use by Concordat Navy reactivating the old Concordat Aerospace Limited shipyard in the Samantha system. This yard is located far enough from the planet to be hidden by the asteroid fields in the system. It is estimated that by 2840 the shipyard will be able to repair the two types of jumpships and then by 2845 begin production of the two types of jumpships.


All the mercenary units in the employ of the TDF are now at least 80 percent or higher in operational readiness. The TDF assigns them all to a stretch of worlds along the galactic rimward side of the realm to deal with pirates raids. The Blackhearts are especially good at dealing with pirates and soon the three units have made a marked decrease in pirate activity in that portion of Taurian space. The Lazy Eights add a second battalion during this period and rotate from Sterope finally to Belle Isle colony where they join with the other mercenary units in dealing with pirates. Cardinal Sins are deployed to Baltar, Blackhearts to Dumassas, and the Black Band Legion to Ludenitz.

While exploring systems to reclaim or recolonize, one team comes across the Panzyr System. There is a thick debris cloud surrounds the main world of the system which makes getting to and from the world difficult, but the team notices a lot of the debris is from Star League sources, undoubtedly from the Reunification War in their best estimate. Records show that the world was part of the Capellan Confederation but lack of support during the First Succession War had the planetary population fall below a sustainable level. The TDF moves assests into this system and begin to comb the debris field for useful salvage. For the first couple years, mainly spare parts and small arms are the only worthwhile salvage recovered other than debris to be resmelted and recycled.

After once more debating the issue due to high demand, Brinton is selected as the fourth location to build a new industrial mech factory. Similar to the plants on Sterope, Grossbach, and San Carlos, there will be lines for the Crosscut and DigKing Industrial mechs and will be expanded until there are four lines for each of the mechs. The plant is planned to go live by the end of 2833. The local militia assign several companies to rotate being assigned to defend this new major investment in their world. Much of the output of this plant is exported to the Federated Suns, the Duchy of Andurian, and the Magistracy of Canopus.

The Rifleman production line on New Vandenburg goes live. These heavy battlemechs are deployed into the various medium, heavy, and assault weighted regiments as a much needed anti-aircraft capability. This was something that was lacking in the TDF and is seen to fill a void in the battlemech regiments' TOE. These mechs are highly sought after and production is fully purchased for the next several years by the Taurian military.

Hope you all are enjoying and I'll see you all again next post!

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Mechanized March

So since there seems to be something for every month, I'll be doing my own for Battletech hence Mechanized March. To start off I've finished the last lance of tanks for my Lazy Eights. The two Schreks and two Alacorns make a nice support element for the maneuver portion of the unit. I think this is a nice flexible force able to scout, skirmish, and still have the firepower for a battle.
And then I'm starting the support side of my new Eridani Light Horse unit. There is a lance of coolant trucks, two lances of APCs, and then a small horde of infantry. I made the mistake of attaching some to bases before painting then got wiser about it for the rest of them. Previously I've used a pair of small Micro Armor APCs per hexbase to represent transports, but they don't stay on the bases as well and are a pain to deal with, so I'm going with larger vehicles this time around.
That's all for this first update and I'll see you all next time!