Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Well, it's been a while

Things got a bit busy with work during the summer with a transfer to a different store which currently includes a hour long commute each way.  This has ate up a lot of my hobby time and I've not got to play a game in quite some time.  While I did manage to get some small progress here and there, none of them were really blog worthy in size.  But now that there have been quite a bit of progress over time, it's time to post some updates.
First of all, my Davion Caselton Militia.  The single mech company with command mech and supporting armor and infantry, the unit has grown to include a 2nd company, a start of a third, and a battalion command lance.  The support has gone from an armor battalion with 2 companies of recon/infantry to include an artillery company and a logistics company of engineers, MASH vehicles, and construction vehicles/mechs.
There is still some work to do on the artillery company and the support company, but the whole is coming along nicely.  I still need to come up with 2 more lances of mechs and a command mech to finish off the 3rd company of the mech battalion.  I've also been working on the fluff for the unit which will be covered in a later post.
I've also started on a new unit, the 7th Arkab.  I need one more mech to finish off the battalion and I need to base 2 lances of GQ half-tracks for 2 platoons of infantry to finish off the support forces.  Again, need to finish painting several of these units but I'm happy with the color scheme over all which is based on the Arkab entry in the CBT Camo Specs book.

There was also some terrain added to the collection but this will also be in a different post in the future.